Last week Brad and I traveled to Ohio. The purpose of our trip was to attend a seminar at Freedom Hills. Because of stuff we've each gone through in life, we both have a heart for people and hurts they face. A few months ago something just clicked when we heard some teaching from this ministry about caring for others and we wanted to learn more. Sooo we went for it and had a great week. We learned so much about practical ways to help people work through issues and hurts in life. Seriously, there are hurting people all around us and it breaks my heart that people suffer and go through life without ever talking about them and getting healing. So often we forgive those who have hurt us but haven't forgiven ourselves or found healing from those hurts.
The highlight for us was when we volunteered to get counseled in front of the group. Scary???? YES! And I still can't believe that we stepped out like that, but the counselor made it a very safe place for us. It helps when you know you will probably never see most of the people again! The method of connecting with your spouse and connecting to Christ through prayer just makes so much sense. Brad and I both found healing in different areas of our lives. When you picture the cross in your mind and see your sins and guilt and ugly stuff in your life being washed away, it brings such peace! Jesus also gave me a vivid picture of himself crying beside me at a time in my life when my heart was shattered, and also gave me a picture of him picking up the pieces of my heart and putting it back together! So many, many times since then my mind keeps going back to that picture and I can't help but smile!!!
Another big benefit was getting to spend time with friends! Sharon and I taught school together for 3 years and quickly became great friends! There was a time in our lives when we pretty much knew everything about each other! Time moves on and now she lives "far" away, and is married and has 2 adorable boys!
mimy, God never wastes the hard things of our lives & i see great potential in your lives...